Egypt, mostly known from its holiday side has much more to present. Place of constant changes. True oxymoron. I was able to notice many resemblance between Egypt and Poland at this point. There is the entire world of Bedouins and legends. Even Egyptians themselves are more than just Arabs or Muslims. From Farao’s Empire to Muslim Brothers. Even the Sinai Peninsula, the never ending battle field of influence makes this place truly unique.

Long history - many changes.
According to the description of a gentlemen called Meneton (a Hellenized Egyptian priest who knew Egyptian traditions in addition to Greek and could read hieroglyphs), Egypt was founded after the conquest of Lower Egypt by Upper Egypt, which happened around 3000 BC. Archeology has allowed us to further investigate the cultures that lived in the area before these events, even more than 5000 BC.
For this reason, based on Meneton's chronology and the latest research, in the case of Egypt we can talk about two periods: predynastic and protodynastic.
The transition from the predynastic to the protodynastic period is associated with the appearance of writing, the oldest hieroglyphs are from the Nagada III period, i.e. approximately 3200 BC, i.e. about 200 years before the unification of the kingdoms into one state.

The first settlers
Egyptian civilization evolved from agricultural cultures such as the Fayum culture (5450 - 4400 B.C.), the Merimde culture (5000 - 4100 B.C.), the Badari culture (4400 - 4000 B.C.) and the subsequent Nagada cultures (Nagada I (4000 - 3500 B.C.). ), Nagada II (3500 - 3200 BC), Nagada III (3200 - 3150 BC). These cultures gradually show features known from the later Old Kingdom, so that in the case of the Nagada II culture "only the lack of written sources from 3100 years ago" BC means that we do not call it, for example, ancient Egyptian culture”.
The rulers of the then Upper Egypt had animalistic names, such as: Scorpion (founder of the dynasty), Crocodile, Falcon, Snail, Elephant, Fish. These rulers are called Dynasty 0 (3150 - 3000 BC) by modern historians.
Translation from Wikipedia

Ancient civilization vs. modern times
From the times of the Pharaohs and extensive mythology and beliefs, through European classicism, the development of Christianity, wars, stratagems, revolutions, up to the army of Mamelukes and Modern Islamic Egypt. There was a lot going on in this desert country.
"Because of its central location on routes of trade, conquest, and migration,
through the centuries of its recorded history, Egypt has become home to
many temporary residents and permanent immigrants. With the passage
of time, each wave of new immigrants has assimilated into the local mix
of peoples, making modern Egypt a combination of Libyans, Nubians,
Syrians, Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Arabs, Turks, Circassians,
Greeks, Italians, and Armenians, along with the descendants of the
people of ancient Egypt. Upper Egyptians in antiquity were largely small
and fi ne boned, with narrow skulls and dark wavy hair. Those of the
Nile Delta, who had more contact with southwest Asian peoples, were
heavier and taller and their skulls were broader. Although the artistic
conventions of ancient Egypt were highly stylized, paintings and statues
show men with reddish-brown skin, while women are shown with much
fairer skin, perhaps because they spent more time indoors. Their facial
features resemble those of sub-Saharan Africans. Assumptions about
appearance must, however, be cautious." - A BRIEF HISTORY OF EGYPT, ARTHUR GOLDSCHMIDT JR.

Underwater world - modern praocean
Nun - in Egyptian mythology, primeval matter, the first material manifestation of existence, Nun is primarily a cosmic element. He is a creature of the sea on which the earth floats.
Nun was probably first personified in Hermopolis as a male deity. Sometimes, as one of the deities of the Eight, he had the head of a frog. As the oldest of the gods, dating back to the times of chaos, he was nicknamed "the old one" and the father of times. As a personification of cosmic waters, his attribute was the head of a bull.
Nun is the personification of the primeval ocean, i.e. the mass of water that fills the entire universe. It is a symbol of truths that existed before the creation of the world. It was from there that a proto-hill called Atum emerged, which was also the beginning of the world
From Nun arose the creator and first god - Ra (Re). He began to bring order out of chaos and build the world. He created the first pair of deities: Tefnut, the goddess of moisture, and Shu, the god of air.
Translation from Wikipedia

Heraclion-The Mediterranean Sea
Herakleion, also known as Thonis in Greek, was an ancient port city located in Egypt along the Mediterranean Sea. It served as a vital trading hub for the ancient world, with evidence of commerce dating back to the 12th century BC. Herakleion played a crucial role in the economy and cultural exchange of the region, connecting Egypt to other civilizations such as Greece and Rome. The city was known for its bustling harbour, which accommodated ships from various regions carrying goods such as textiles, spices, and precious metals. However, due to natural disasters such as earthquakes and flooding, Herakleion eventually sank into the sea around the 8th century AD. Today, archaeologists have discovered remarkable artefacts and structures submerged underwater, offering valuable insights into this once-thriving maritime city's history and significance in antiquity.

Dive into the unknown
Immerse yourself in the blue of the Red Sea and discover the second-largest reef in the world! It's like finding Nemo, but with more exotic and colourful creatures. Get ready to meet strange underwater friends and experience amazing diving from a boat or the shore.

The Egyptian desert is a vast and diverse landscape that covers over 90% of Egypt's total land area. Characterized by its arid climate, extreme temperatures, and rugged terrain, the desert plays a crucial role in shaping the country's geography, climate, and culture. The Egyptian desert is home to unique ecosystems and wildlife adapted to survive in harsh conditions, such as the iconic Arabian camel and various species of plant life known for their drought-resistant properties. Additionally, the desert features ancient archaeological sites, including the Great Sphinx and the pyramids of Giza, which stand as testaments to Egypt's rich history and cultural heritage. Despite its challenges, the Egyptian desert attracts adventurers, researchers, and tourists alike who seek to explore its mysteries and discover its hidden treasures.